8 Ways To Sober Up Fast
1. Salt Water
Mix 1 to 2 tea spoon of salt in a glass of water.It will make you vomit and make your stomach clear of Alcohol.
2: Bread
Eat some bread. Bread will soak up the Alcohol inside your stomach and the less Alcohol you have in your stomach the more sober you will become.
3. Black Strong Coffee
Take some black coffee which will able you to be in control of your self again.
4. Water
Water is another fast remedy.Drink a lot of water but be ready for a lot of pee. The water will flush the alcohol out of their system.
5. Cheeseburger
Eat a cheeseburger.It will have the same effect as bread i.e absorbing the Alcohol.
6. Cold Shower
A cold shower will make your whole body alert again and will make the effect of drinking go away.
7. Honey
If you are not diabetic or allergic to honey then honey is another fast remedy. Eat a spoon or two of honey.Follow that up with 1 teaspoon of honey every half-hour for the next couple of hours.
8. Cucumber
Eat cucumber as much as you can.It has an enzymes called erepsin which will lessen the effect of alcohol.
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